Chimata-sama helped me sell an album

Archive of the Sealed Gods

Documenting the reality of the spirits of Gensokyo.
Finding spirituality in the most unlikely of places.

Chimata-sama helped me sell an album

This was the postscript of an email I received and it has been republished with permission. Some miracles are really small. -Emissary

I remember reading something about you wanting to gather testimonials, so I'll divulge mine while I am here:

I had prayed to Chimata-sama for simply the energy and motivation to put up an expensive record for listing on Discogs. I specified I was not asking for any luck actually getting it sold, as I really only wanted to finally have the willpower to get it done.

I prayed at a local storefront, as it felt like somewhere she would approve of. I left a very simple offering of a pack of gum with one of those stickers you'd find labelling the price of something at a garage sale, it read "MAKE OFFER".

The same day, I managed to finally find some time to list it and it was suprisingly easy (previous attempts were laiden with annoying merchant paperwork shit and the like). I still had a part of me which believed this was simply me reminding myself to do something with more steps, however these doubts were immediately dissipated.

Only a day or so later, I found someone had already offered to buy it from me! Which is strange because never had I seen any of the other copies of it sold so quick, I always remembered how the same copies would be there unsold (which makes sense as this vinyl is excessively expensive secondhand).

I thank Chimata-sama for such great kindness! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)