External sources
While it would be extremely tedious to compile all the sources I have used in the creation of this site (this might or might not happen), here are some resources that might be of further interest to you.
Touhou Wiki - A good source for baseline Touhou information & lore.
Oriental Holy Land Wiki - Shrines in Hakuba.
Touhou Bibouroku - Oriental Memories - Information on Touhou, including records of pilgrimmages to lore-relevant sites the author did.
Information on background textures ZUN has used.
Awesome Touhou- Extensive list of various resources & sites related to Touhou.
Account of a Touhou pilgrimmage to Suwa Grand Shrine.
Touhou omikuji generator - Not sure if I should put this here or in the Shinto category, but you may draw your fortune nevertheless.
General Japanese Folklore, Philosophy & Religion
Gods of Japan, A to Z - Mark Schumacher's site is in general a treasure trove on all things related to religion in Japan, both Buddhism and Shinto.
Yokai.com - Online Database of Japanese folklore.
Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai - Japanese ghost stories and folklore
Do haniwa dream of ceramic sheep - Well researched deep dives in to mythology behind Touhou. Also has information Chinese, Japanese and Mesopotamian art and religion.
“Yūgen” in the nature art of Touhou - Explores the concept of yūgen through Touhou fan art.
General study of religion
Religion for Breakfast - A good and accessible YouTube channel on topics related to various religions. His videos on Shinto and Taoism might be of particular interest to visitors to this site.
Let's Talk Religion - Another good and accessible YouTube channel on topics related to various religions, with a bit different focus.
Encyclopedia of Shinto - Exactly what it says on the tin.
Mimusubi - a resource on Shrine Shinto in English. Personal blog of David Chart who works as an English translator for Jinja Honcho, which is the closest thing to a "central authority" that Shinto has.
Living With Kami - The blog of a Konko priestess of Canadian origin, information on Shinto and Shinto practice in English
Green Shinto - A blog with a bit different view on Shinto than the above. Comes with an extensive recommended reading list.
Kami no Michi - The Life And Thought Of A Shinto Priest - Shinto as seen by a priest of the Tsubaki Grand Shrine.
Tricycle - Buddhism for Beginners.
Sutta Central - A repository of key Buddhist texts.
Doug's Dharma - Accessible videos on Buddhist ideas for Western audience. Doug's a lay practitioner though, so some people might want to get their info from a source associated with a Buddhist organization instead.
American Buddhist Study Center - More academic videos on various forms of Buddhism.
Kalavinka Press - Essentials of Buddhist Meditation - A classic text of Mahayana Buddhist meditation for the low price of a donation.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Buddha - On Buddha as a philosopher.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Japanese Zen Buddhism - Monumental overview of Zen for the interested.
Foundation for Shingon Buddhism - A resource in English for those interested in Shingon Buddhism that is heavily referenced in lore of Touhou.
shingon.org - The charmingly outdated English website for Shingon Buddhism.
Tendai Buddhist Institute - Authorized Tendai Buddhism in North America!
shichisei.info - Information on Tendai Buddhism that is relevant to Touhou lore via the character of Matara Okina-sama and it's influence on Shugendo.
Seiga Kaku uses her amazing Taoist arts and gives you a life lesson - Probably the most fun way to read Tao Te Ching. I am not joking, this is legitimately good.
Benebell Wen - Esoteric and some not so esoteric Taoism presented with breathtakingly information-packed videos that really highlight how internally interlocking Taoism is. She has also authored several books on Taoism.
Chinese Text Project - A vast resources of pre-modern Chinese text, including Taoist classics.
The Daoist Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia of Taoist thought in English.
Western Esoteric Tradition
Youkai Magic - Somewhat Japanese-flavored book that deals mostly with wide range of basic ideas related to the current Western magical tradition. If nothing else, it gives newcomers a big list of terms and ideas to delve deeper into.
ESOTERICA - This is *the* YouTube channel for the more historical side of Western esoteric tradition.
American Esoteric - Slightly more casually aproachable than the above, still the same focus on historical Western Esoteric Tradition.
Angela's Symposium - Focuses on more contemporary Western esoteric topics.
Foolish Fish - Mostly book reviews, but also some resources for those who wish to actually begin practicing Western magic.
Glitch Bottle - Podcast on contemporary Western esoteric topics.
General Paranormal & Fringe Topics
Mitch Horowitz - He also covers topics related to Western Esoteric Tradition, but makes a very forceful case for the reality of ESP.
New Thinking Allowed - Covers very broadly all kinds of paranormal & fringe topics with kind of a New Agey aproach.
Formscapes - For the extremely deep thinkers out there.
Planet Weird - While "ghost hunting" is a wretched topic, Dana & Greg have risen above the mire and have a very healthy and constructive view of the broadly speaking paranormal. Hellier is one of the finest depictions of getting dragged into an initiatory experience that I've seen and is worth a watch.
Think Anomalous - Videos on paranormal topics, particularly from the point of view of the ultraterrestrial hypothesis.
The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast - You better start believing fairies are real. The Jason Atomic episode might be of particular interest to people here as he talks about a potential tengu encounter in Japan.